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    Why Am I Losing Weight In The Face


    [UPDATED MAY 2021]

    Why am I losing weight in the face? This question rises when you are diet for losing weight in your body. Losing weight in your whole body is not that easy but this process may effects on your face. This is just one reason for face weight loss. We have gathered up many reasons for face weight loss.

    While being slim, sleek and slender is one thing, looking pale, skinny and losing weight alarmingly is another. One has to remember that looks always should not be your first priority. It is health that you would have to give prominent importance to.

    You can safely stay slim, and health at the same time if you follow the necessary protocols. Trying to lose weight at a rapid pace is always not a good idea and may not suit many of us and also many people questions that Why am I losing weight in the face?

    In a bid to lose weight people hit the gyms and end up doing a lot of hard work in a bid to lose weight. What they fail to understand is the fact that it may not ideally suit their body.

    Having a proper physical trainer to guide you after assessing your body and health condition is vital when you choose to undergo any weight loss program. In case you do not take these things into consideration and just go about working out to reduce weight you may end up losing weight in your face.

    If you lose weight in your face there are chances that you would end up looking unhealthy and malnutrition. This is why you should undergo proper analysis of your body, mind, health, and physical condition first before taking up weight loss programs.

    The last thing that you would want is losing weight in your face while you are busy with reducing excess fat in your body.

    When you lose weight in your face it is likely that you would end up with a gym-face. It is something that many people wish to avoid but end up having it as they begin their weight loss routine. In this article we would show you the main reasons why you end up that why am i losing weight in face and also give you tips on how to avoid the same.

    Diet Control

    Anyone who undergoes a strict diet routine would begin to notice remarkable difference in their faces. People would begin to lose weight in their face and it would start to be noticeable within days of them beginning their diet structure.

    One has to understand that the face is the first part of the body to lose weight when you start your diet in a bid to reduce weight. Once it begins from your face it would start to slowly move to you losing weight in the other parts of your body.

    To be able to overcome this problem you would have to look at options that can help you retain your face weight. Having plump cheeks while losing weight while on a diet is possible. With correct diet programs you can retain your face weight and still have the plumpness retained without much effort.

    Excessive Exercising

    Many people indulge in excessive exercising and this can be a common trend with people once they are past their twenties. You need to work harder to reduce excessive weight but overdoing the same can result in adverse effects on your face.

    This would lead you to having a gym-face. Excessive running, endurance training, cycling, and cardiovascular exercise can lead to weight loss in your face.

    The reason for this is explained in simple terms by specialists. People who begin to exercise can notice that their face goes red to begin with. This is because the blood vessels widen in a bid to allow intake of the required oxygen to be distributed to your body.

    After 15 odd minutes of excessive exercising your body would require more oxygen and that in turn is taken from the face.

    This results in the cheeks of the person being deprived of necessary oxygen. You can notice a diminishing cheek within a few days of exercising as you would begin to lose your fat pads in the cheek.

    Premature aging looks is what you would end up getting when your cheeks and face start to lose considerable amounts of weight.

    To avoid this, you should take the advice of a personal trainer at the gym who can ensure and suggest ideal exercises that would not have an impact on your face.

    This would mean that you can retain the looks that your face has yet lose overall body weight after this you will not question about on face.

    Weight Loss Programs that do not Suit You

    Face weight loss

    Undergoing a weight loss program that does not suit your body type can also result in a person losing weight in their face. This would mean that you begin to develop a hollow area under your eyes. Your skin would also begin to look wrinkly as it gets dehydrated over a period of time making you look very old.

    A bony look on your face after losing weight or a concave look would make you look much older than you actually are. This is a direct result of you losing weight in your face.

    However, undergoing weight loss programs that are best suited for your body type may address this particular concern. Retaining the plumpness on your face can be done with appropriate help with a regular diet routine along with the weight loss program.

    Diseases that can Cause Weight Loss in Your Face

    There are many diseases that you may be affected with that can end up in you losing excessive amounts of weight. The first noticeable difference can be in your face as it would begin to lose weight rapidly.

    In case you are not undergoing any fitness program, weight loss program, or excessive training then losing weight in your face can be a huge concern.

    Some diseases that affect you may not show other symptoms than you losing weight in your face. We list a few of these diseases below for you to have a look at.

    • Overactive thyroid
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Depression
    • Diabetes
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Endocarditis
    • Cancer
    • Tuberculosis
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    • Congestive heart failure
    • HIV/Aids
    • Addison’s disease

    If you are faced with excessive weight loss in your face and body it is time that you consider seeing a doctor for any of the above-mentioned conditions.

    These diseases or conditions are often known to cause massive weight loss in both men and women.

    Undergoing a full body check-up is recommended if you are faced with loss of weight in your face without exercising too much or being on a diet or weight loss program.

    Losing weight in the face before and after

    Effects of Losing Weight in your Face

    There are many after effects of losing weight in your face apart from making you look older than you are. This includes a diet face, gym-face, or bony cheeks. These are things that you would wish to avoid at all costs.

    Apart from this there can be underlying health conditions that you were not aware of that caused you to lose weight in your face. This should be a cause for concern for both men and women alike as it is not a healthy sign for anyone.

    You would begin to start having wrinkles, protruding bones on your face, and have excessive muscle loss. This can end up having severe effects on your overall health if they are not addressed in time.

    You must either be doing the wrong things at the gym or having a health condition that needs to be taken care of.

    Without proper medical advice and help it may be a difficult phase of your life that you wish to overcome when it comes to losing weight in your face.

    Remedies for Losing Weight in your Face

    In case you do not have conditions related to your health but wish to lose the gym-face or bony face you have then there are plenty of options in store for you. Undergoing non-invasive procedures can be used to plump up your face without gaining too much weight.

    This can include using non-surgical fillers, hitting the facial gym, and using serums. However, one has to practice precaution before taking up any of these procedures.

    Consulting with your dermatologist on which would suit you best would be an ideal choice for most men and women. This goes on to prove that you can end up having plump cheeks without compromising on the slim structure of your body.

    Contouring make up can also be a solution to make your face look plump. This includes application of certain types of make up that would help you avoid using artificial chemicals or procedures on your face.

    All said and done, one has to maintain a proper diet irrelevant of them using a gym or undergoing any weight loss program.

    Consuming the required amounts of water on a daily basis can ensure that your skin is nourished and not dehydrated. A balanced diet with sufficient nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can also help you go a long way if you are faced with losing weight in your face.

    Intake of essential fruits and vegetables can give you all the required nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates.

    Avoiding junk food with excessive oil can also help you have better health and a balanced diet. Ensure that you take expert advice and help for diet and exercising so that the question raises that why am i losing weight in the face will not occur in a dramatic manner.

    How can I get fat back on my face?

    For getting your face back to its old shape, you need to do some things :

    1. Do Facial Exercise
    2. Eat An Apple Daily
    3. Apply Aloe Vera On Your face Daily
    4. Eat Honey
    5. Eat Nuts and seeds

    What causes fat loss in face?

    While you are trying to lose your body weight you do exercises and Diets. While doing this your body fat reduces but your face fat also. To make face fat or beautiful again you need to do certain things as mentioned above.

    Tips To Help You Plan a Guided Kayaking Vacation


    Kayaking provides a fun way to spend time outdoors while at the same time acts as a form of exercise. Are you wondering how to spend your vacation? Then kayaking is your best shot because it’s ideal for beginners, intermediate, and expert kayakers.

    Here are some essential tips to help you plan a guided kayaking vacation.

    Number of guides

    While planning a guided kayak trip, make sure to find an outfitter that has many guides. The point is, you don’t want to go on a journey where the guide gets overwhelmed by the number of kayakers. Ideally, two guides should instruct a group of 12 people.

    Also make sure that out of the two guides, one is the lead while the other is the assistant. Some companies tend to use assistant guides in disguise for lead guides. Of course, you want to be in the hands of an expert for safety purposes.

    Available equipment

    Most outfitting companies have equipment for the vacationers such as protective clothing, tents, and sleeping bags. Make sure the company you choose for your guided kayak vacation has well-maintained equipment. Nobody would want to be out in the wild with uncomfortable gear.

    Also, ensure that the kayaking company has a variety of kayak paddles. Ideally, paddles exist in different variations to suit different users. However, expert kayakers can use arms to paddle the boat, which either way isn’t comfortable in the long run.

    Consider the weather

    Depending on the season, you want to enjoy your vacation, ensure to carry appropriate apparel. Besides, if travelling to a different country, the weather becomes unpredictable sometimes. Therefore, it’s wise to have several layers of clothing to make your trip comfy.

    However, avoid carrying so many clothes because you’ll have to carry your bags on your boat while kayaking. It’s worth noting that, the heavier your luggage, the heavier the boat and consequently more difficult to paddle. Of course, you want to have fun while enjoying the waters and the sceneries and not worry about your heavy bags.

    Time to spend on the water

    You should consider the number of hours your guide wants you to spend on the water. For instance, as a beginner, it’s impossible to spend more than 4 hours paddling. However, if you’re an expert kayaker, consider taking a guided trip that can allow you about 6 hours of paddling.


    If you love adrenaline rushes from spending nights in the wild, then kayaking is ideal for you. However, ensure that you get details of the operating camps. Some outfitters have base camps while others allow vacationers to sleep at different locations.

    If you’re just starting as a kayaker, consider a trip with a base camp. It not only makes the journey easy but also saves you the energy to keep carrying your equipment. Besides, a base camp is safe if you don’t like taking risks.

    However, if you’re the adventure-loving type of kayaker, then you should consider taking a guided trip with moving camps. The experience allows you to explore different places while at the same time ticking off your bucket list of camping in the wild.

    Travel distance

    If you’re travelling as a group, you should consider the distance and time required to get there. Since most guided kayak trips take more than a day, consider the time of arrival so that you have ample time setting up your tent and other equipment.

    One tip that always works when travelling to a different destination is arriving earlier so that you have enough time to familiarize yourself with the surrounding.

    In summary, guided kayak vacations are fun, safe, and convenient for beginners and experts alike. Besides, when kayaking as a group, you get to socialize with like minded people. However, before setting out for your paddling vacation, use this guide as a checklist to help you have a smooth time.

    How to Choose The Best CBD Flavors


    As you try to make the choice regarding which CBD you should purchase, it’s important that you take into account every element. Of course, quality and type of CBD you choose should be the most important things to pay attention to, but they’re not the only important factors. One thing to think about is the flavor of your pure CBD oil. What’s the perfect flavor? Here’s how you can choose the right CBD flavor.

    The Natural Flavor of CBD

    Before discussing added flavors, you might want to consider the natural flavor of CBD. When you purchase pure CBD oil, you’ll experience a specific type of flavor. You may describe the natural flavor of CBD as:

    • Nutty
    • Earthy
    • Grassy
    • Bitter

    Because olive oil provides a useful base for many CBD oils, you’ll also probably experience an olive oil taste.

    Different Flavors for Different Needs

    One thing you’ll probably notice is that different types of CBD naturally lend themselves to different flavors. For example, you’re more likely to see fruity, sweet flavors in CBD gummies, but you might see more out-of-the-box flavors in CBD oil, where it’s easier to add.

    Charlotte’s Web offers many different CBD flavors, all tailored toward different needs. That includes everything from a simple unflavored olive oil option to a more complex mint chocolate option. This wide variety of flavor options makes it even easier for you to find a taste you love for your CBD opportunities.

    Flavors That Work With Other Supplements

    If you have a CBD mix that includes other supplements, you’ll probably find that the other supplements have a natural taste. To make these mixes even easier to utilize, many CBD manufacturers ensure that the flavors used in these CBD mixes meld well with the natural taste of both the CBD and any additional supplements.

    For example, Charlotte’s Web’s Calm CBD gummies use lemon balm as one of the supplements in the product. Although lemon balm is actually related closely to mint, rather than citrus, it nonetheless has a pleasant citrusy smell and taste. To accommodate that, these Calm CBD gummies are lemon flavored. You can see this trend continued throughout Charlotte’s Web’s many CBD gummy options.

    Making Your CBD-Taking Process Easier

    In general, CBD flavor makes it easier for you to take CBD, which is the end goal. Flavors aren’t bad; as long as the company you’re purchasing from uses high-quality flavors, these flavors can be very useful. Whether you prefer unflavored or flavored CBD, you should always be on the hunt for the best CBD available.

    Remember, quality should always be at the top of your requirements when it comes to taking CBD. Charlotte’s Web’s CBD oil will give you the quality you’re looking for, no matter what flavor you end up purchasing. Use Charlotte’s Web for all your CBD needs and you’ll be amazed at the benefits you may be able to achieve.


    If you don’t like the natural taste of CBD oil, there are many tips and tricks you can use to make it easier for you to take CBD. One of the easiest tips is to use a CBD product that already includes flavoring. This way, you’ll be able to rely on the market research and high-quality ingredients that the company’s already developed, rather than having to use trial and error to develop your own preferences. Charlotte’s Web makes it easier for you to take your CBD oil every day. Choose your preferred type and make sure you keep it in stock so you always have the best opportunities.

    Borderline Personality Disorder: What Parents Need to Know


    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a condition that is estimated to affect about 1.4 percent of the American population. This condition is characterized by individuals having difficulties regulating their emotions, usually resulting in a wide range of issues regarding their relationships and functionality in everyday life.

    Borderline Personality Disorder in teens has been regularly studied by psychologists, both in the United States and elsewhere around the world. While some professionals argue that a firm diagnosis of BPD should be avoided for anyone under 18—due to various complications and the fact that a teen’s personality has not been completely developed—others state that is diagnosis may be appropriate for anyone demonstrating the symptoms at age 13 and beyond.

    Regardless, if your teen has been exhibiting the signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, you should do everything in your power to seek help and connect them with the resources they need to live their best life. When given the right combination of therapy, medication, and other treatment options, individuals suffering from borderline personality disorder can improve the way they control their emotions and, consequently, increase the likelihood of living a productive life.

    In this article, we will answer some of the most common questions that parents might have about borderline personality disorder. While this condition is rarer than other mental health conditions, it can have a profound impact on an individual’s well-being. By understanding this condition and empowering your teen to meet with a medical professional, you can play an important role in increasing your teen’s quality of life.

    What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?

    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), as defined by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is a “condition characterized by difficulties regulating emotion. The specific “baseline” and “triggering events” influencing individuals suffering from BPD will vary by individual, but typically, a diagnosis of BPD is deemed appropriate when emotional mismanagement interferes with an individual’s ability to lead a normal life. As stated, BPD affects about 1.4 percent of all people in the United States, making it one of the most common personality disorders.

    When is it an appropriate age to receive a diagnosis of BPD?

    Psychologists have intensely debated whether a diagnosis of BPD is appropriate for children and teenagers. Generally, either 13 or 18 are considered the ages where BPD can begin being diagnosed. However, a large portion of this debate may be semantic—if your teen is exhibiting the signs and symptoms of BPD, even if their psychologist does not issue a diagnose, they can still receive treatment and medications that will help them better regulate their emotional state.

    What are the signs and symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder?

    Like all mental health conditions, Borderline Personality Disorder will have a specific set of signs and symptoms associated with it. The framework for diagnosing BPD is laid out in the fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. One of the most common signs of BPD is splitting relationships (romantic, familial, professional, etc.). Splitting involves rapidly alternating between feelings of love and hate for the same individual. Similarly, individuals with BPD may cycle between states of depression and anxiety (which overlaps with bipolar disorder).

    Other common signs of BPD include dramatically expressed feelings of abandonment, difficulties getting over otherwise minor issues (such as a broken glass), impulsive behaviors and poor judgment (especially regarding sex, substance abuse, and spending), and unstable self-image. Individuals suffering from BPD may also have feelings of disassociation, which can cause them to feel as if they are having “out of body” experiences on a regular basis. All of these symptoms, especially when combined, can make it difficult for individuals to maintain relationships, perform well in school, and live an otherwise “normal” life.

    What are some of the most common causes of Borderline Personality Disorder?

    Borderline Personality Disorder is believed to be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Individuals whose parents, siblings, or extended family members have BPD are statistically more likely to display signs and symptoms. Traumatic life events, including abuse, exposure to violence, and substance abuse issues, have also been identified as possible triggers. Furthermore, damage to the judgment and emotion-regulating parts of the brain can potentially trigger the condition, even when there were no signs exhibited in the past. BPD exists upon a spectrum, rather than a binary, which can make diagnosis rather difficult.

    Is Borderline Personality Disorder related to any other mental health conditions?

    As you might expect, there is a significant amount overlap between BPD and other mental health conditions—this is yet another reason why the condition can be difficult to accurately diagnose. BPD has a significant correlation with other personality disorders of all groups, but especially the emotional and impulsive group (which includes histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder). BPD has also been found to be connected with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). BPD can both exacerbate and be exacerbated by substance abuse disorders, which is why dual diagnosis and co-occurring treatment options are so fundamentally important.

    What are the best treatments for BPD in teens?

    Currently, there are many different treatment options for individuals (and teens) suffering from borderline personality disorder. In the most severe cases, residential treatment can help provide intensive treatment and lasting results. In less intense cases, various psychotherapy strategies will likely be recommended.

    Two of the most common psychotherapy techniques for treating BPD include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Both of these strategies seek to equip individuals with the tools they need to recognize triggers, respond in an appropriate manner, and otherwise regulate their emotions. Currently, there are no medications that are designed to specifically treat BPD, but there are many medications that may be recommended in order to aid emotional and behavioral management.

    Mood stabilizers and antidepressants are commonly recommended. Only a licensed medical professional can issue a proper treatment recommendation, which is why it will be crucial to connect your teen with the help they need sooner, rather than later.

    Conclusion – Borderline Personality Disorder

    While Borderline Personality Disorder can be a debilitating condition, with the proper treatment, this condition can be effectively managed. BPD is characterized by difficulties regulating emotions, impulsive decision-making, and various other symptoms. If you believe your teen is suffering from BPD or other related conditions, it will be crucial to be supportive and connect them with the mental health support they need.

    6 Gifts That Are Perfect for Any Occasion


    Finding the right gift for someone can be tricky, especially when you have to take into account their personalities, interests, and what they already have at home. In this article, we are going to talk about six gifts that are perfect for everybody for any occasion. Secret Santa, birthdays or graduation? We’ve got you covered. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading?

    A Gift Voucher:

    A lot of you probably think that a gift voucher is generally a last resort, for when you can’t choose anything else. However, online, you can find some great gift vouchers for a variety of adventurous activities. A hot air balloon trip for two, a romantic winery tour, or a dinner cruise are all voucher options that you can get by searching around online. Just make sure that the voucher can be used close to where the gift receiver lives. Some sites even let you send the voucher directly to their email; however, you can also print it out, so that you can give it in person.

    A Subscription Box:

    You might have heard of subscription boxes, as they are becoming increasingly popular gift choices. A subscription box is known as a kit full of different products that are sent to your door each month. There are subscription boxes for beauty products, pop-culture, sports, clothing, and so much more. Most companies offer different packages, and you can choose to pay monthly or yearly.

    Anything Customizable:

    If you want a gift that has a more personal touch, you can always opt to get something customized, with the gift receiver’s name or even their favorite quote. There are so many options that you can almost choose anything. You can get custom towels, t-shirts, hoodies, and even socks customized with whatever you can imagine.

    Something you’ve Handmade:

    If you’re on a tight budget, but still want to give a fantastic gift, one of the best ways is to handmake something. If you have a passion for knitting, art, or crochet, use your incredible skills to make a memorable gift that they can hold onto forever. Love cooking? You can even make a jar of cookies to send or some handmade treats. These are such great personal options that come from the heart.

    A Board Game:

    Everybody loves board games, and they can bring out the kid in everyone. For both the young and old, board games can be the perfect gift to bring everyone together. Buying for an adult? Try an adult card game, such as Cards Against Humanity, which is sure to bring laughs all around.

    A Day with You:

    Instead of a traditional gift, you can always opt to spend the day together with your loved one and take them somewhere special. A trip to the zoo, or museum, or even taking them out to an all-expenses-paid dinner is an excellent alternative to a traditional gift. An experience can last forever and can be memorable for everybody involved.

    And there you have it! Hopefully, you are able to find that perfect gift and share a great day with someone special. These were six ideas that are great for everyone for every occasion. Remember that gifts don’t always need to be expensive, and in some cases, your company can be the best gift of all.

    Can A CBD Product Help With Your Health?


    The cannabidiol or popularly known as CBD is taking the health and medicinal world by storm. Being linked to many health benefits, CBD supplements and other products associated with it are being developed. Many tests and research are also being conducted to explore the potential of CBD in treating health conditions and how they can help the human body.

    What Is CBD?

    The cannabis plant is made up of over a hundred chemical compounds, and CBD is one of them. You read it right, the cannabidiol comes from the cannabis plant or marijuana classified as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the natural chemicals that can be found in cannabis plants and species.

    As you know, marijuana or cannabis is infamous for its recreational use and the products coming from it are linked with legal or safety controversies.

    According to researchers, the CBD is non-psychoactive with very little to negligible amounts of THC. The tetrahydrocannabinol or commonly known as THC is the psychoactive component and one of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. It is responsible for the “high” sensation that cannabis users experience and substance abuse. So, addiction and dependence are not likely to happen when consuming or using CBD.

    CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil

    The hemp and cannabis (marijuana) plant are different varieties of the cannabis plant. They are considered the primary sources of CBD oil. Industries lean toward the use of hemp plant because it contains less THC.

    To lessen your confusion about CBD oil and hemp oil, here are details on what makes them different from each other.

    • The CBD oil can be extracted from the flowers and leaves of a hemp plant while hemp oil is made of hemp plant seed (usually called hemp seed oil).
    • The hemp seed oil contains no active CBD while the CBD oil is packed with cannabidiol
    • CBD oil is typically used for supplement and medicinal purposes while hemp oil is primarily used for food because of its high nutritional value. The hemp oil is rich with vitamins, fiber, protein, minerals, and heart-friendly fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6).

    CBD: Is it Safe and Legal?

    Generally, CBD is proven safe to use and can be taken as a supplement in oil form, capsule or tablet form, or as an additive in food and beverages. However, it can have some effect on medications. If you are taking certain medications, it is best to consult your doctor or your trusted medical professional before consuming CBD.

    Making news all over the health and medicine, CBD can be purchase in almost every place across the United States and around the world. However, its exact legal status is still not clear on the radar because some places consider it the same as marijuana. There are different restrictions for every state in the US  with regards to the distribution and use of cannabidiol especially when the Farm Bill was approved.

    There are Farm Bill accredited distributors like CBD cheefbotanicals and many more if you need CBD. In the meantime, researchers are positive that the legal status of cannabidiol will be changing because of the numerous health benefits it provides.

    Health Benefits of CBD

    The health benefits and healing properties of CBD have been proven for many illnesses and health conditions. As mentioned above, CBD contains negligible traces of THC making it safe from substance abuse and dependence. Here are some of the health conditions where they use cannabidiol as a remedy based on reports:

    Anxiety and Depression

    In some research, CBD oil helps reduce anxiety and depression problems. Cannabidiol can help reduce anxiety in a patient with behavioral illness because of its non-psychoactive property.

    The CBD also helps in treating other behavioral disorders like general anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, panic disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

    Pain and Inflammation

    Cannabis has been used since ancient times as a treatment for pain and inflammation. The discovery of the pain-relieving effects of cannabis by scientists in our present time is due to its specific components, which include CBD. The notable health conditions which use CBD for pain treatment include nerve pains, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis.


    Cannabidiol can help in alleviating cancer-related symptoms. It can also help in reducing the side effects of cancer treatment like pain and nausea. The role of CBD looks promising in the treatment of cancer.

    However, more research must be done to clarify the extent of its potency in terms of fighting cancer and helping patients condition before and after other treatments.


    The CBD has anti-seizure properties that can naturally treat patients with drug-resistant disorders like epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the brain activities experience abnormalities. This abnormal brain activity results in loss of awareness, seizures, and unusual behavior.

    The CBD can also help in treating other nerve and neurological disorders like degeneration, neural injury, inflammation, and psychiatric disorder.

    Heart Ailments

    The benefits of CBD for the heart and blood circulation have also been proven in some research. It can also lower high blood pressure, which is linked to higher risks of heart attack and other heart ailments.

    Skin Conditions

    Cannabidiol has properties that regulate the oil production of our skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat eczema and acne. The CBD can also help nourish the skin as it contains vitamins and nutrients that are essential for smooth and fair skin like vitamin E.

    Ways to Consume CBD

    While CBD can be consumed on its own, there are ways to enjoy it while reaping its health benefits. It can be used in preparing or cooking dishes. Here is a list of food that can be mixed with CBD:

    • Cakes
    • Sandwich Spreads
    • Pastries
    • Savory Dishes
    • Coffee or Tea
    • Salads


    The CBD has a lot of promising benefits to the health and wellness of a person. While it is true that more research needs to be done to explore its potential, the proven health benefits are simply astonishing.

    Knowing that it is safe to consume and legal with some restrictions, you might be thinking of trying to use it now. You can consume it conventionally or add a little twist to your favorite dishes while simultaneously obtaining the benefits the CBD has to offer.

    Top Tips For Travelling to Montenegro


    Once considered a hidden gem for holiday seekers, Montenegro is quickly rising in popularity. It hasn’t yet become an overcrowded beach environment, though, so if you have ever thought about planning a holiday to this historical and scenic country, now is the time.

    Before you set off for beautiful Montenegro, there are a few things you should consider working into your holiday plans that will help you have the most enjoyable and relaxing time imaginable.

    Reserve a Villa

    Holidays in Montenegro can become much more luxurious than your ordinary holiday by booking the right accommodations for yourself and anyone you might be travelling with. If you have never stayed in a villa before, you won’t want to spend your future holidays anywhere else after experiencing the space, privacy, and amenities that you get when you do so.

    Because practically every view in Montenegro belongs on a postcard, you can rest assured that your villa will deliver on that front. Furthermore, you can take in said view from the comfort of your own private swimming pool. What could be better than that?

    Schedule Time to Go Out and About

    When you visit a place as relaxing and laid back as Montenegro, it can be all too tempting to spend your entire holiday lounging poolside or taking in some sun on the beach. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this plan, you would be missing out on some of the incredible experiences that this country has to offer.

    If you are set on staying near the water, there are plenty of water activities and boat tours to take part in while in Montenegro. The Bay of Kotor, with its hidden coves and little islets, has something that every type of traveller can enjoy. Do yourself a favour and schedule some time during your holiday specifically for outings.

    Whether you are the type who likes to explore culturally rich cities full of charm or the sort who would rather see the mountainous views from a paddleboard, Montenegro will be sure to satisfy your every expectation for your holiday.

    Sample the Incredible Food

    The cuisine of Montenegro is another facet of this quaint country that won’t disappoint. You will certainly have your fair share of fresh seafood to partake in as dishes containing prawns and fish are in ample supply, but there are a number of other local dishes that you don’t want to miss.

    One of the most well-known dishes that you must try is Njeguški stek, which does credit to the excellent way in which Balkan cuisine generally grills up tasty meats. Montenegro is also known for its smoked cheeses, and this dish contains a fair sampling of that as well.

    Lastly, no trip to Montenegro would be complete without taking the time to visit one of several wineries that are spotted around Lake Skadar. Take in the views while indulging in locally made wines that pair perfectly with delicious smoked cheeses and hams that do credit to Montenegrin cuisine.

    Take on board the top three tips if you want to ensure your holiday to Montenegro is something you remember forever.

    Breast Cancer Treatment in Turkey – Time to Choose The Best for Yourself


    Today, breast cancer treatment in Turkey combines innovative methods with an acceptable pricing policy of medical institutions. Taking into account the statistics of the last decade, the country has become one of the five leaders in the sphere of medical tourism, which successfully accepts thousands of foreign citizens with cancer. It is worth noting that the breast cancer treatment cost in Turkey is lower than in most countries.

    Thanks to the government funding (10% of Turkey’s budget is allocated to the health sector) and active US investment in the Turkish medicine, treatment in oncology centers have managed to reach a new level of service provision and meet world standards. This is also confirmed by the fact that 48 clinics in the country have Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation certificate.

    Risk factors

    In most cases, breast cancer occurs without any obvious cause. Only 10% of cases are hereditary due to mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It is estimated that the mutation increases the risk of breast cancer by 60-80%, so in some European countries, this is an indication for preventive mastectomy (complete breast removal).

    Risk factors that cannot be modified:

    • Sex – men are less likely to develop the disease than women (maybe due to a mutation in their genes).
    • Age – 90% of diseases are diagnosed at the age of over 40 years.
    • Genetic predisposition, presence of mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
    • Benign precancerous mammary gland diseases.
    • Irradiation of the chest in history.
    • Early start of menstruation (before 12 years), late menopause (after 55 years).

    But there are also modifiable risk factors, correction of which will significantly reduce the likelihood of breast cancer development:

    • Obesity.
    • Steroid hormones intake, prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives.
    • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
    • Insufficient physical activity.
    • Working the night shifts.

    The symptoms of the disease

    These symptoms do not always clearly indicate breast cancer. However, only a specialist can rule out malignant disease. If you notice one or more symptoms, you should visit a specialist:

    • Local thickening of the chest.
    • Changes in the size or shape of the mammary gland.
    • Skin changes, peeling, pulling of a certain area.
    • Retracted nipple.
    • Redness of the mammary gland or part of it.
    • Skin resembling an orange peel.

    When examining the breast, doctors may reveal clinical signs of cancer. But the only way to confirm or deny the diagnosis is to take a tissue sample from the suspected area and examine it under a microscope. The most common is a fine needle aspiration biopsy with a histological examination of the tissue sample.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, an immunohistochemical examination is performed, and the molecular features of the tumor are studied. To assess the spread of the disease in the body ultrasound examination, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging may be performed.

    Current approaches to breast cancer treatment

    Modern cancer treatment abroad gives patients the possibility to return to their usual way of life, achieving complete remission and forgetting about their disease. The country’s medical centers offer a comprehensive approach to the treatment of malignant tumors. Success in the treatment of cancer patients is also explained by the introduction of German and American medical protocols.

    Breast cancer treatment in Turkey is carried out using the following methods:

    • Surgical methods.
    • Radiation therapy.
    • Chemotherapy.
    • Hormonal therapy.
    • Immunological medicines.

    Modern Turkish hospitals actively use innovative therapeutic methods for the treatment of breast cancer patients:

    • Automated surgical treatment – da Vinci robotic system.
    • Percutaneous ablation of tumors and metastases.
    • Nano-Knife – local destruction of a tumor.
    • Modern methods of focal radiation therapy.

    An example of a modern clinic is the Memorial Cancer Center, where you can undergo successful cancer treatment in Turkey. The clinic was the first medical institution in Turkey to receive JCI certificate. The Memorial Oncological Centre provides patients with a full range of medical services including diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for adults and children. You can find information about breast cancer treatment costs in Turkey by contacting Booking Health. This company has many years of experience and thousands of positive reviews.

    4 Important Self-Care Tips for Nurses


    As a nurse, you’ve made taking care of other people your career. That doesn’t mean, though, that taking care of yourself should be put on the back burner. Self-care is important for everyone, but it is especially vital for those who work in high-stress jobs – such as nursing. Unfortunately, 68% of nurses say that they put the health of others above their own. While this selfless attitude is wonderful, it becomes impossible to properly care for others when you fail to take care of yourself.

    When you work nights or have a hectic schedule, finding time for yourself can be tricky. While you simply may not have time for something like a spa day, there are all sorts of smaller things you can do to care for yourself and improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Keep reading to learn a bit more about self-care and to discover some important self-care tips for nurses.

    Why Self-Care Is So Important

    Before we dive into the many ways in which you can care for yourself, we’d like to take a moment to discuss exactly why self-care is so important in the first place. For starters, it is mandated by the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics, which states that nurses should extend the same respect to themselves that they extend to others.

    Self-care serves as a vital stress management tool, and it can help replenish your compassion and empathy. It also promotes high-quality care and safety. By caring for yourself and allowing yourself to grow both personally and professionally, you become more able to provide care for others.

    Getting something as simple as quality teeth whitening in Concord can already affect both your physical and dental health greatly.

    It’s clear that the benefits of self-care for nurses are numerous, but you still may be wondering how to find time to take care of yourself in your chaotic schedule. Here are a few ideas.

    Start with a Self-Care Assessment

    Assess how well you are currently taking care of yourself. Think about what types of activities you engage in outside of work, and determine whether they contribute to your mental or physical health. Consider how well you are meeting your physical needs. Are you getting enough exercise? Maintaining a healthy diet? Getting enough sleep each night?

    As part of your assessment, consider any problems that are detracting from your overall wellness. For example, are long hours on your feet causing you pain? If so, you might want to think about investing in some comfortable nursing shoes as a simple act of self-care.

    Determine Your Deficits

    Chances are, your self-care needs are not being fulfilled. Using your assessment, determine exactly where your deficits lie. Maybe you don’t feel good about yourself because you haven’t been taking steps to keep up with your appearance or because you are still wearing old scrubs that probably should have been disposed of long ago. Maybe you feel burnt out because all you do is work and sleep. Maybe you feel disconnected from your family because you haven’t been maintaining a good balance between work and your family life.

    Whatever the case may be, be honest with yourself about where you are lacking in the self-care department. Don’t look at your deficits as failures, though. Instead, look at them as opportunities to improve.

    Come Up with a Plan

    Now that you know exactly what you are lacking in terms of self-care, you can come up with a plan for fixing the problem. If, for example, you’re feeling emotionally low because you haven’t been keeping up with your appearance, you could schedule an appointment for a haircut or buy some cute new nursing jackets to wear to work. If feeling disconnected from your family is getting you down, now might be a great time to plan a family vacation or enjoy a family movie night at home.

    Keep in mind that self-care doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. There are countless ways you can fulfill your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs regardless of how little time you have or how tight your budget may be. For example, something as simple as enjoying a nice hot bubble bath can go a long way toward helping you feel refreshed and cared for.

    Also, working toward developing yourself personally and professionally is an excellent form of self-care. If you aspire to further your education, enroll in some classes. If you would like to learn a new craft, spend some time browsing YouTube for instructional videos or order a book. Self-development is great for your mind and soul, and it is a vital component of self-care that no one should ever overlook.

    Put Your Plan into Action

    By this point, you should have a solid idea of where your self-care may be lacking and what you can do about it. Now you need to put that plan into action. Make taking care of yourself just as much of a priority as caring for others. After all, you are just as important as everyone else!

    Spend a few minutes each day doing something kind for yourself. Make time in your schedule for bigger things, too, like family outings, dinner with friends, shopping trips, etc. Self-care should be a priority in your life, and now is the time to make it one!


    Self-care is important for everyone. For people in stressful jobs – such as nursing – it is especially beneficial. If you are a nurse and you feel like you spend all of your time caring for others, you may need to take a step back and assess whether your own needs are being met.

    You can only put yourself on the back burner for so long before you burn out. By making self-care a priority in your life, you are being proactive about becoming the best version of yourself. Self-care is anything but selfish. Get started today!

    A Brief Guide To Creating a Capsule Wardrobe That You Love


    The excitement around fashion stems from its ever-evolving nature. Every new trend is met with wild appreciation or criticism from people across the globe. But at the same time, this obsession with trends and fast-fashion makes fashion one of the biggest polluting industries.

    Not to mention, continuously buying more and more clothes isn’t the best news for your savings account. Do you struggle to keep up with fashion trends? Are you looking for a sustainable and cost-effective way to style? Well, in that case, you need a capsule wardrobe!

    A capsule wardrobe can range from ten to fifty pieces. These pieces can be worn interchangeably to create several outfits. You can save so much time and energy every morning if every piece in your wardrobe goes with everything else. It’s also an excellent way to curb your shopping addiction.

    Don’t have the first clue about building a capsule wardrobe? Check out our expert guide and be on your merry way to fashion domination. Let’s get started.


    Has your wardrobe become a dumping ground for clothes you haven’t worn in ages? Consider this a reminder to discard those low-rise jeans you haven’t worn since freshman year in college.

    Give yourself clarity and space by decluttering your wardrobe. Our best tip is to try everything on to make a firm decision. Everything that doesn’t fit or doesn’t suit your style anymore has to go. You can donate these clothes to a charity or take them to a thrift store. Alternatively, you can also sell them on Depop.

    Staple Pieces

    Prepare a list of staple clothing pieces. The majority of your fashion budget should be invested in high-quality and well-fitted staple pieces. Everything else is secondary. These pieces should ideally last you a lifetime.

    Some staple pieces you should consider adding to your capsule wardrobe include:

    • A Solid White T-shirt
    • A Pair of High-Waisted Black Jeans
    • A Pair of Dark Wash Blue Jeans
    • A Pair of Tactical Pants
    • A Pair of Black Trousers
    • A Little Black Dress
    • A Button-Up Shirt
    • A Casual Summer Dress
    • A Denim Jacket
    • A Black Bodysuit
    • Simple Ballet Flats
    • Black/ Brown Ankle Boots
    • Black Strappy Heels

    These are some popular options. What constitutes as a wardrobe staple entirely depends on your taste and preferences.

    Color Palette

    In order to pick pieces that can be worn interchangeably, you can follow the easy rule of thumb of picking a color palette. By sticking to a color palette, you will be able to build a cohesive capsule wardrobe. Our best tip is to stick to neutrals such as blacks, greys, whites, and browns for your staples.

    You can vary your color choices according to the seasons. For instance, a pastel palette for the spring and a moody, rich palette for winter are great options.

    Focus on the Fit

    Even the most expensive couture piece won’t look good on you if it’s the wrong size. Always, always prioritize purchasing clothing that fits you well. If you love a piece, but it doesn’t fit you right, take it to a tailor and get it fixed. You’ll be surprised how much difference well-fitted clothes can make.


    Don’t let a neutral palette of staples bring down your fashion enthusiasm. Accessories are the best way to sprinkle joy into a capsule wardrobe. Picture this, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers with lots of layered gold jewelry. Any outfit can be spiced up with funky accessories!

    Start Slow

    Don’t rush into buying everything at once. Take your time to gradually create a capsule wardrobe you love.

    The Bottom Line

    Fashion is about expressing yourself however you want. So never feel ashamed to repeat an outfit that makes you feel confident and empowered.

    We hope this post inspires you to invest in a capsule wardrobe. Happy shopping!