Monday, February 3, 2025

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    5 Styling Tips on How to Choose Right Accessories

    Accessories are an indispensable part of any stylish look. Their task lies in two main points: to complete your outfit and to emphasize your individuality. It is important to know a few simple rules for building a look so as not to be afraid to use them. Read on how to choose the right accessory for your Enibbana apparel below.

    Accessory Types

    There are six categories in which you can search for products that suit you:

    • Headwear: caps, hats, berets, scarves, and bucket hats;
    • Scarves, shawls, and boas;
    • Glasses: sunglasses and those with transparent lenses;
    • For the ears: earrings and ear cuffs. For the neck: necklaces, pendants, beads, chokers, and chains. For hands: rings, bracelets, and watches;
    • Bags: shopper, cross-body, clutch, postman, suitcase, and backpack;

    Accessory Selection Rules

    There are several dozen complex methods for picking decorative elements, but building a harmonious look at home is quite possible. There are just five basic principles worth using.

    1. Consider your own characteristics

    Accessories adjust a figure very well visually. For example, a massive necklace will divert attention from wide hips, and a long chain with a pendant will “stretch” your silhouette. The belt at the waist will emphasize the contrast between all the parameters. Draw attention away from “problematic” areas by leaving them empty but be sure to highlight your best parts.

    2. Focus on the build

    It is important to choose accessories of the right size to make the outfit look complete and harmonious. The larger your figure, the bigger all other details should be. Avoid micro handbags if your clothing size is over L. The same advice applies to lean women who are not adorned with huge necklaces at all. Carefully pick the size of all accessories.

    3. Choose the main item

    The key to a stylish look is having one main item (in color and size) that can be your “calling card.” If you find it challenging to choose several different accessories to match each other, choose one that suits most of your outfits. Gradually, you can add other elements to create layering when you feel confident about it.

    4. Pay attention to colors

    In outfits with a lot of color, prints, embroidery, and patterns, laconic accessories of calm tones look most harmonious. But in a monochrome look, you can safely add any bright note, such as a red handbag or scarf. When trying to diversify your everyday look, it is important not to overdo it, so always choose accessories as opposed to basic clothing.

    5. Buy exclusive accessories

    Since such details should spice up your look, you should not be afraid to buy original products of non-standard shapes and colors. Ditch the mass market in favor of small manufacturers, designer showrooms, or handmade products. That way, you have a chance to find something extraordinary. Wear such accessories often enough to make them your calling card.

    Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

    Accessorizing is an effective way to diversify your everyday look, draw attention from problem areas, or, on the contrary, focus the eyes of passers-by on your merits. You should not ignore such details of a look as jewelry, hats, and glasses or be afraid to use them so as not to overdo it. With our recommendations, you will always look your best.

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