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    Silicone Washing Clothes | How to Do & Benefits

    What is Silicone Washing Clothes?

    Silicone washing clothes is a process where silicone-based products are used to clean and treat fabrics. Silicone is known for its ability to create a protective layer on fabrics, making them water-repellent and more durable. This method is commonly used for outdoor gear, sportswear, and other items that require enhanced water resistance and durability.

    Benefits of Silicone Washing:

    1. Water Repellency: Silicone creates a hydrophobic barrier on the fabric, making it resistant to water and stains.
    2. Durability: Silicone-treated fabrics are more resistant to wear and tear.
    3. Softness: Silicone can add a soft, smooth feel to the fabric.
    4. UV Protection: Some silicone treatments can provide UV protection, extending the lifespan of the fabric.

    How to Silicone Wash Clothes?

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to silicone washing clothes:

    Materials Needed:

    • Silicone fabric wash or spray (available in stores or online)
    • Washing machine (optional)
    • Clean basin or tub (if washing by hand)
    • Water
    • Mild detergent (optional for pre-wash)


    1. Pre-Wash (Optional):
      • If the fabric is particularly dirty, you might want to pre-wash it with a mild detergent to remove any dirt or oils. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry.
    2. Prepare the Silicone Solution:
      • Follow the instructions on the silicone fabric wash or spray. Some products are ready to use, while others might need to be diluted with water.
    3. Application:
      • Machine Washing:
        • Add the silicone fabric wash to your washing machine according to the product instructions. Place the clothes in the machine and run a gentle cycle.
      • Hand Washing:
        • Fill a clean basin or tub with water and add the silicone fabric wash. Submerge the clothes in the solution and gently agitate them to ensure even coverage. Let them soak for the recommended time (usually 10-15 minutes).
    4. Drying:
      • Remove the clothes from the washing machine or basin. Gently squeeze out excess water (do not wring). Hang the clothes to air dry completely. Avoid using a dryer as high heat can affect the silicone coating.
    5. Finishing Touch:
      • Once the clothes are dry, you can enhance the silicone coating by applying a silicone spray for fabrics. This step is optional but can provide an extra layer of protection.

    Tips for Best Results after Silicone Washing:

    • Test First: Always test the silicone product on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to ensure it does not cause any discoloration or damage.
    • Read Instructions: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the silicone product carefully for the best results.
    • Regular Maintenance: Reapply silicone treatment periodically to maintain water repellency and durability.

    Normal Wash vs. Silicone Wash

    Normal Wash:

    Purpose: The primary goal is to clean fabrics and remove dirt, stains, and odors.

    Detergents: Uses standard detergents that are designed to break down oils, dirt, and stains. Some detergents may contain fabric softeners and fragrances.


    • Machine Washing: Clothes are placed in a washing machine, detergent is added, and the machine runs through a wash cycle with water.
    • Hand Washing: Clothes are soaked in water with detergent, agitated by hand, and rinsed.

    Effect on Fabric:

    • Cleaning Efficiency: Effectively removes surface dirt, oils, and stains.
    • Fabric Condition: Can be tough on fabrics, especially delicate materials. Frequent washing can lead to wear and tear.
    • Softness: Standard detergents may contain fabric softeners that leave clothes feeling soft, but this is not the main focus.
    • Water Repellency: No significant effect on water repellency.

    Normal Wash Advantages:

    • Effective at cleaning a wide variety of fabrics.
    • Removes odors and stains.
    • Maintains basic hygiene.

    Normal Wash Disadvantages:

    • Can cause fabric to wear out faster.
    • Does not enhance water resistance.
    • May not provide any additional protective benefits.

    Silicone Wash:

    Purpose: The goal is to clean fabrics while also treating them with a silicone-based solution to add protective properties such as water repellency and increased durability.

    Detergents: Uses silicone-based washes or treatments specifically designed to coat the fabric with a protective silicone layer.


    • Machine Washing: Clothes are placed in a washing machine with a silicone-based fabric wash, and the machine runs through a wash cycle.
    • Hand Washing: Clothes are soaked in water mixed with a silicone fabric treatment, agitated by hand, and allowed to soak before rinsing.

    Effect on Fabric:

    • Cleaning Efficiency: Cleans fabric while applying a protective silicone layer.
    • Fabric Condition: Adds a hydrophobic (water-repellent) barrier, enhancing the durability and resistance to environmental elements.
    • Softness: Can leave fabrics feeling soft and smooth due to the silicone coating.
    • Water Repellency: Significantly increases the water-repellent properties of the fabric, making it ideal for outdoor gear and technical clothing.

    Silicone Wash Advantages:

    • Enhances water repellency, making fabrics more suitable for outdoor use.
    • Provides a protective barrier that can increase the lifespan of the fabric.
    • Can add UV protection depending on the product used.

    Silicone Wash Disadvantages:

    • May not clean as effectively as normal detergents in removing certain types of stains.
    • Can be more expensive than regular detergents.
    • Requires careful application to avoid over-saturation or uneven coating.


    • Nikwax – Nikwax offers a range of silicone-based fabric treatments and provides detailed instructions on how to use them.
    • Gear Aid – Gear Aid provides silicone fabric sprays and washes designed for outdoor gear and clothing.
    • Granger’s – Granger’s specializes in fabric care products, including silicone-based treatments.

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