Monday, February 3, 2025

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    4 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp During the Summer Break

    Have you ever come back to class after summer break and felt like you are a newborn baby who can’t even write properly? Well, that is a sign that you have had some rest and rebooted, maybe even too much.

    No matter how hard you learn and do your homework or how useful you deem the knowledge received during your studies, all of this brings some results and stimulates your brain. Even if you often google write my essay for best price and pay for essaysamples, those actually make you think since you learn from them. All the things like the writing style, academic language, and structure of papers – these are very important aspects you can’t but notice and take into account.

    When you go on a summer break, the flow of all that information stops, and your brain ends up in a vacuum. However, you can ensure the extra inflow of new information or participate in activities that will help you keep your skills toned. Here are several tips on how to do that!

    Practice Writing Skills by Working as a Writer

    The very first thing you might find difficult to do when coming back to class is writing. The thoughts tend to scatter around, but your teachers may not care at all and give you a new assignment during the first week of the term. So, when going on the summer break, consider applying for an internship in a paper or magazine, for example.

    You can also work as an essay writer and help students with their courseworks or papers they didn’t complete in time or need to do for some extra courses. Consider applying to one of the best essay editing services to deal with less strenuous assignments but still keep yourself engaged. Finding a job or internship for summer is in general a good idea. Just make sure you have some rest and do not spend the whole break working hard. You are going to need your energy when the new term starts.

    Use These 3 Apps

    These are all you will need to prevent the deterioration of your basic skills and feed your brain with some new information:

    • Peak
    • TED

    Sure, there are a number of analogs you can use too, but the 3 apps above are all diverse, time-proven, and also legit, meaning that they do not provide fake facts. You can find all kinds of exercises for your mind on Peak: problem-solving, memory puzzles, focus improvement, mental agility, coordination, and so on.

    On TED, you can choose the most complex topics or just go with some light content to make sure you don’t get rusty throughout the summer. And, finally, is a great way to learn some new words with no pressure. All you need to do is turn on the daily notification providing you with an interesting word and its origin. Besides, the app has word quizzes and much more!


    Reading literature recommended by your teachers is an excellent way to keep your brain engaged and active during the summer break. Doing so, you will deepen your understanding of the subject matter and have much more time to think about the topic.

    That way, when back to classes, you won’t be in a hurry to write an essay because you are still reading the novel. It doesn’t matter if you use an essay writing service to complete your essays though. You are going to need that knowledge to participate in workshops and complete tests anyway. So, do not miss the chance.

    To make the process less boring than it may seem, consider forming a book club with fellow students or your friends. You can also join online reading communities to discuss and exchange insights about the literature you’ve read.


    It might seem a bit off-topic, but let’s think about the types of sports like golf or boxing. Those require a lot of concentration, choosing the correct combination of moves, strategic thinking, and so on. Even if you do sports that do not affect your cognitive skills directly, they help to keep your mental health stable and help your blood flow. The latter translates to enriching your brain with oxygen, hence more energy and better cognition!

    Final Word

    Keeping your brain sharp during the summer break is crucial for a smooth transition back to school. By engaging in activities that stimulate your mind, you can ensure that you maintain your cognitive skills and prevent the “summer brain drain.” Whether it’s writing, using educational apps, reading recommended literature, or participating in sports, these tips will help you stay mentally active and prepared for the challenges of the upcoming academic year.

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