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    How to Make Yourself Throw Up Easily | 11 Methods

    Throwing up will be an unpleasant experience for many. However, there are instances in life, where you will come across the need to throw up. It may seem as the best solution available for you to overcome what you are going through. In such a situation, you need to figure out how to throw up easily yourself.

    How To Make Yourself Throw Up Easily | Easy Steps :

    Many different methods are available for you to throw up. To make the life easy for you, we thought of letting you know about the most effective and convenient methods available out of them to throw up. You can simply go through these steps and make sure that you throw up with ease, without experiencing any frustration.

    #1. Make Yourself Throw Up With Your Finger

    Throw Up With Your Finger

    All people who want to learn about making yourself throw up should be aware of this. That’s because it is the most convenient and straightforward method available to throw up. It may sound disgusting, but it can help you to save your life in some of the instances.

    Why can’t I throw up with my fingers :

    To throw up with the finger, all you have to do is to push the finger down in your throat. With that, you will be able to include vomiting. Once your finger reaches the end of back of the tongue, you will have to push it. Then you can eventually throw up.

    Once the finger gets in contact with the back of the tongue, the body would react and give life to a gag reflex. As a result, you will be able to make yourself nauseous. Hence, you will get the need to vomit. This is an effective method to throw up, which you can do anywhere, at any given time.

    #2. Imagine Vomiting

    Imagine Vomiting

    When you imagine vomiting, you will get the need to throw up. Almost all the people get this sensation. Therefore, you should also think about adding it to the most effective methods available to throw up.

    Once you think about vomiting, you will be able to compel the body to go ahead and throw up. That’s because your mind would be focusing more on the insights of vomiting.

    They include the smells, sights and the sounds, which can instantly make you feel sick. Therefore, it can trigger nausea. With that, vomiting will be induced as well.

    This is another effective method available for you to throw up at any given time.

    #3. Use Your Toothbrush

    Use Your Toothbrush

    If you are at home and want to induce vomiting, So, you can simply think about using your toothbrush to vomit. It can also provide much-needed support and assistance with throwing up at any given time. Most of the people don’t feel like putting a finger to the back of the throat to vomit.

    In such a situation, this will act as an excellent replacement method. Even if your finger is not long enough to reach the back of the tongue, you can seek the assistance of your toothbrush.

    This is a simple technique, which anyone can do. You can simply take the toothbrush and rub it against the back of the tongue. As soon as you do it, you will throw up. Therefore, you can add it to the most effective methods available to throw up as well.

    #4. Use Coca-Cola

    Use Coca-Cola

    Did you ever think that Coca-Cola will be able to help you with throwing up? Yes, it can provide much needed support to any person who wants to throw up. But you will not be able to grab a fresh bottle of Coca-Cola and throw up.

    You need to make sure that you are using a Coca-Cola bottle, which has run out of carbon dioxide or bubbles. Every hour that you keep the Coca-Cola bottle open, you will be increase your chances to get sick and vomit.

    To trigger the vomiting sensation, you should also make sure that you drink a lot of water after you consume Coca-Cola. Then you can quickly throw up.

    You can use a just opened Coca-Cola bottle in order to treat upset stomach. But when the gas runs out, it will lead you towards another experience.

    In Coca-Cola, there is a very high sugar concentration. Your body is not in a position to withstand that sugar concentration.

    When it is combined with the other irritants, your body will tend to throw up what you have consumed. Therefore, you can think about using Coca-Cola, without having any doubts or second thoughts in your mind.

    #5. Use Salt With Warm Water

    Use Salt With Warm Water

    How to make yourself throw up? Don’t worry, we have a great solution for that. Using salt with warm water is another effective method that any person can follow to throw up with ease. You need to take a glass of water and add a couple of teaspoons of sugar into it. Then you can create a saline solution. You must now make sure that you consume the saline solution within just one gulp.

    Within 20-25 minutes, you can lead your body towards throwing up. You can also think about using your finger to speed up the vomiting process.

    Salt is one of the richest sources of sodium. It can heavily contribute towards the number of electrolytes in your body. When you consume too much of sodium, a negative impact will be created on the sodium balance of the body.

    Therefore, your body will tend to expel water. That’s the main reason why you will come across the need to vomit.

    You should also make sure that you are using only a small amount of salt. In fact, two teaspoons of salt is more than enough. Then you can vomit without causing any major impact on the body.

    #6. Bloodroot Herb

    Bloodroot Herb

    Bloodroot Herb is one of the lesser known herbs that can help you to throw up. However, you are strongly encouraged to take a look at it as well. That’s because it is an effective method, which can make you vomit.

    You don’t have to struggle too much to vomit through this method as well. That’s because all you have to do is to take a glass of water, mix Bloodroot Herb with it and consume. Then you can receive outstanding results, which can make you vomit.

    People have been using Bloodroot Herb to treat a variety of health conditions in the past. Even though Bloodroot Herb is linked with a rich medicinal importance, it can easily induce vomiting and nausea.

    This unique property of Bloodroot Herb can be used to make you throw up. Therefore, all the people who want to learn how to make yourself throw up can simply get hold of it.

    Bloodroot herb is not easy to find. Therefore, you will have to spend a bit of an effort to throw up with this method. But if you can find bloodroot herb, you are strongly encouraged to go ahead with it because it can deliver instant and guaranteed results.

    #7. Mustard Solution

    Mustard Solution

    A Mustard Solution can deliver amazing results to any person who wants to learn how to throw up. If you have mustard seeds in your home or if you can purchase mustard seeds from a local store, you are encouraged to go ahead with it.

    In here, you need to mix a teaspoon or a couple of teaspoons in a glass of water. Then you will be able to drink the solution.

    To make yourself throw up, you need to drink the Mustard Solution in one go. This can immediately lead you towards vomiting.

    In mustard, it is possible for you to discover natural emetic properties. Therefore, the consumption of Mustard Solution has the ability to make you feel nauseous. As a result, vomiting will be induced as well.

    However, you need to make sure that you are not using a Mustard Solution to throw up on a regular basis. If you make it a habit, you will be taking in high volumes of sodium into your body.

    This is never good for your health. Therefore, you need to get in touch with a doctor. If you feel that you are not good after consuming the Mustard Solution, you must immediately seek medical assistance as well.

    #8. Baking Soda

    Baking Soda

    You can find baking soda in any home. By mixing baking soda with water, you can easily induce a vomiting sensation. That’s the reason why all people who want to throw up must think about taking a look at baking soda.

    You can take a glass of water and mix one teaspoon of baking soda in it. Then you need to gulp it down. The main reason why you get the need to vomit after the consumption of baking soda is that it contains a high concentration of sodium. In fact, baking soda is all about sodium bicarbonate. When you consume too much of sodium, your body will get the need to throw up.

    However, using this method to throw up can be exhausting. You should be mindful about it before you go ahead. It will take a considerable amount of time for your body to recover after this.

    Therefore, you need to try this method only if you are really keen to go ahead with it. Otherwise, you can take a look at the alternative methods that we discuss in this article.

    #9. Expose Yourself To An Unpleasant Sight And Smell

    Unpleasant Smell

    By exposing yourself to an unpleasant sight or even an unpleasant smell, you can easily make you throw up. Many ordinary people tend to throw up because of this. If you can see someone throw up, you will also get the need to throw up. This is not something that you can practically do at all times.

    That’s where you can think about exposing yourself to the socks, which you have worn throughout the day. The unpleasant smell given out by the socks can make you throw up.

    The unpleasant smells as well as the unpleasant views are in a position to stimulate your ability to throw up. That’s because they can directly create an impact on the neurons located in your brain. It will instantly make you feel sick as well.

    #10. Giggle With The Egg Whites

    Giggle With The Egg Whites

    Giggling with the egg whites is another unpleasant thing that you can do. But doing that can help you to throw up with ease. Therefore, you are encouraged to take a look at it as well. You shouldn’t take in a lot of egg whites to giggle.

    You can simply take a small amount, which is enough to make yourself puke. After you take in, you can gargle for few seconds and you will come across the need to throw up.

    This is one of the most effective methods available for you to throw up. That’s because it can help you to get rid of all the toxins located in your body. As you already know, raw egg whites are associated with a unique taste and a unique smell. Both the taste and smell is quite unpleasant. That’s the reason why they can make you throw up instantly.

    #11. Black Salt :

    Black Salt

    As we already know about the above 10 products but we have added the 11th one now and its the most precious and important product or tip for throw up easily. We are talking about the black salt.

    This salt is similar to the normal salt but its color is Black and its tasty as well. It can help you a lot in digesting your food or throw it up in few minutes.

    Black salt is very famous in many countries and its the most finest way to make yourself throw up. Throwing up is such a difficult thing to do but this salt helps you to digest your food or it can also make you throw up in just few minutes.

    Its not similar to other items for throw up its very tasty or may be you can become addict of it.

    What Happens to your Body when you Throw Up:

    Well, what happens to your body when you throw up? Throw up is not that easy but we have mentioned a lot of ways to make it easy but after throw up you need to go through some hurdles. Hurdles like :

    • Burring on Throat
    • Body Suffers Weakness and Fatigue
    • Saliva gets release from your mouth
    • Airway Gets Sealed Once Your Glottis Shuts Down
    • Your Heart rate Increases
    • Throw up makes you Dehydrated
    • Hormonal Imbalance in your body

    How to Throw Up Comfortably?

    It is also important for you to have a clear idea on how to throw up comfortably. Then you will be able to overcome the pain that you have to go through at the time of throwing up. You will be able to receive impressive results as well.

    Here are some useful tips, which you need to keep in mind when you are throwing up. These tips can provide much needed assistance to throw up with comfort :

    • Look For An Appropriate Place
    • Get The Need To Vomit
    • Allow Your Body To Vomit
    • Be Mindful At The Time of Vomiting
    • Drink Something After You Vomit
    • Make sure that you have something in the stomach before you vomit

    #1. Look For An Appropriate Place

    As the very first thing, you need to look for an appropriate place to throw up. If you are at home, you can find plenty of such places. Sink, toilet or even a bucket can help you with that. However, it is not recommended for you to throw up into the sink.

    That’s because vomit would come up chunky and you will have to remove the clog with your hands. Therefore, toilet is the best place available for you to throw up.

    In case if you are outside the home, you need to make sure that you get away from people and the belongings of other people as much as possible. You never want another person to come and throw up near your car.

    This is applicable for everyone. That’s where you need to look for an empty lot. It is also possible for you to go to a public restroom. If you cannot find a one, you should go to an open ground.

    #2. Get The Need To Vomit

    Many people feel the waves of nausea, but they don’t really think about vomiting. In fact, they are not too sure whether they should throw up or not. In such a situation, you need to make sure that you have the need to vomit. Then you will be able to end up with the results that you expect.

    #3. Allow Your Body To Vomit

    You should never force your body to throw up. Instead, you should provide assistance for the body to throw up on its own. Your body will play a major role in here and all you have to do is to get the body to do it and keep the peace of mind.

    The above-mentioned methods guarantee positive results. When you try one of those methods, you don’t have to force your body to vomit. However, some of the methods might not deliver positive results for few.

    In such a situation, forcing your body to vomit is not the solution to go ahead with. You need to look for a more intense method to throw up and go ahead with it. Then you will be able to end up with positive results, without having to worry over anything.

    #4. Be Mindful At The Time of Vomiting

    When you are vomiting, you should be mindful. This will help you to overcome hassle that you have to go through after that. When you feel that vomit is coming up on your throat, you know what will happen next.

    You need to get the mouth closer to the container or the toilet bowl. You need to be mindful and make sure that you prevent a spillage or a spray.

    In case if you are outside, you need to make sure that you get closer to the ground as much as possible. Then you will be creating less splatter at the time of vomiting.

    #5. Drink Something After You Vomit

    After you vomit, you need to go ahead and drink something. However, you need to be mindful about the drink as well. It is always recommended to drink a small amount of water, so that you can get the best results.

    Water that you drink can help you to wash away the acidic taste, which you have in your mouth.

    #6. Make sure that you have something in the stomach before you vomit

    It is better if you can have something in the vomit before you try any of the above-mentioned steps to vomit as well.

    That’s because vomiting in the empty stomach can be extremely painful. But when you have something in your stomach, you can effectively eliminate the pain. Therefore, you will be able to end up with positive results.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q#1. Why can’t I throw up?

    The food which you eat is digested in your stomach now, so it cant get out now. Now the solution for this is to waste it out by using the Black Salt Method.

    Q#2. Does throwing up make you lose weight?

    If you are wondering that throwing up can make you lose weight so the answer is “YES” but this type of weight loss can make you ill very seriously because your stomach stays empty so it can make acid and effect your teeth and also cause Headache, seizures etc.

    Q#3. Should I make myself throw up if I feel sick?

    Sickness is not just from your stomach, it can be by your late working, late sleep etc. But if your illness is because of stomach then you should Throw up, this will be the easy way to get throw it.

    Final Words

    Now you know how to make yourself throw up easily. Any person who wants to throw up can go through these methods. Then you will be able to get the results that you want.

    These methods are proven and they are not in a position to lead you towards any frustrating side-effects at all as well. Therefore, any person can follow the steps and throw up.

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