Friday, February 21, 2025

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    How to Get Bigger Lips Permanently Without Surgery

    If you were thinking about how to get bigger lips permanently without surgery, you can do it at home by using some natural things. No doubt your look is perfectly fine but most women want to get bigger lips to enhance their lips shape.

    Ways Get Bigger Lips Permanently Without Surgery

    Following are the few steps that have a very effective result.

    Lip plumper:

    A lip plumper is a tool that is used to enlarge the lips. To get the bold look of lips. Different types of lip plumper are available at makeup stores. You can easily buy from the stores. Make sure your product is good in quality because your lips are a too sensitive part of your face.

    By using a lip plumper you can get results within 10 to 15 minutes. Regular use of a lip plumper gives your lips permanently bigger. Some people avoid the use of lip plumper due to the harsh effect of this but don’t worry about its safe and satisfying.

    Use cinnamon to make your lip plumper:

    Yes, you can use cinnamon. Cinnamon contains cassia oil which has many benefits and one of the best use of cinnamon oil apply to your lips. It creates irritation in the mucus membrane when apply to lips. Remember to apply 2-3 layers of oil with a soft brush. As the effect of irritation, your lips look bigger than their real shape. You have to apply this oil twice a week that makes your lips bigger permanently.

    Lips exercise for a plumper look:

    Whistle:  When you whistle, your lip muscles become active and by activation of muscles your lips get plumped look. You have to do this exercise 7 to 8 times a day.

    fold up your lips: Fold up your lips as if you are kissing and hold this position.  Repeat this at least 10 times a day.

    Move from side to side: Press your lips together and move them from left to right and then right to left. Repeat this five times. This will give volume to your lips.

    Exfoliate with natural ingredients:

    Exfoliation is another easiest way to enlarge your lips look. As you know in a normal routine your lips look dry and small its time to exfoliate your lips. I suggested you a homemade remedy for lips. Here are the ingredients for this remedy

    • Honey (1 tbsp)
    • Sugar (2 tbsp)
    • Olive Oil (½ tbsp)
    • Peppermint Oil (2 drops)

    Mix all of these ingredients in a  jar or a bowl. So your homemade lip scrub is ready. apply it on your lips regularly or instant result.

    Drink plenty of water and add some supplements to your daily diet:

    Drinking plenty of water is good for your skin as well as for your lips too. So drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. drink at least 8-9 glasses of water every day. Also take some fresh juices which have the same proteins and vitamins. By taking these types of supplements your lips look fresh glowing and bigger than their real size.

    By using these methodologies you can get permanent bigger lips. You can choose your favorite method. I hope these methods satisfy your desire.


    By adopting these steps you will surely get bigger lips permanently without surgery and injection. The natural steps have no side effects and have save results.

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