Monday, February 3, 2025

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    How to Apply Flawless Foundation on your Skin

    The goal of foundation is a flawless face free from any imperfections. But, all too often we find ourselves with a flaky, cakey, or discoloured mess.

    By applying foundation correctly, you can create a stunning complexion that looks like you’re wearing nothing at all. Here are five steps to a flawless application.

    Prep and prime

    Two of the most important steps in applying foundation happen before you even begin. To look and feel its best, your skin should be both prepped and primed.

    That means your face needs to be clean and moisturised before you apply any primer makeup. This will help your foundation glide on smoothly and keep it on your face longer. Look for a custom blend moisturiser that’s made just for your skin type for the best results. Be sure to wait about five minutes after you’ve applied your moisturiser so that it properly soaks into your skin. Hydrating primers can be used too if you’re in a hurry and can’t wait.


    Now, it’s time to apply the product. Make sure you’ve chosen the right foundation for your skin tone and type. Plenty of tools online are available to help you find the most suitable shade for your skin colour.

    Whether you’re using liquid or powder foundation, you’ll want to start at the centre of your face.

    Dab your product over your T-zone, focusing on keeping it away from the edges of your face. No matter what level of coverage your product features, it’s important not to place too much on your face at once. Your best bet is to start with a minimal application initially and applying additional layers if necessary.


    The most critical part of this routine. Once your product is on the centre of your face, begin to blend it outward toward the edges with a brush for a more natural look or a sponge for maximum coverage.

    Regardless of what you choose, just remember, the more you blend, the smoother your face will appear.

    To achieve a second-skin foundation look, try blending with a damp sponge either after you’ve used a brush, or from the start.


    Creating a perfect complexion isn’t just about foundation. A good concealer will help you fine-tune your look and diminish any imperfections on the skin.

    Like foundation, you want to use a concealer that blends in naturally with your skin tone. One that’s too light or too dark will bring even more attention to any blemishes, scars, or discoloration that you have.

    To conceal, dab a small amount of the product over any spots or imperfections. Wait a few minutes for the product to set, then use the narrow end of your sponge to blend outward.


    The final step in applying foundation is to set. Setting your foundation will ensure it doesn’t shift or slide. Look as beautiful at the end of the day as you did at the start.

    Set your foundation with a translucent powder, dusting it in concentric circles. Pay extra attention to your T-zone, where foundation will most likely fade.

    By taking these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a complexion that’s perfect for any of your favorite makeup looks.

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