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    Secret Behind Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss

    Gabourey Sidibe is one of the most popular and successful actresses in today’s world. She became popular along with the movie, Push by Sapphire. She was even nominated for the prestigious Oscar award because of this. Unfortunately, she has been struggling a lot with her weight back in the past. It was one of the toughest struggles that she had to face as well. However, she worked out according to a plan and could successfully overcome obesity. If you are interested in taking her as an inspiration, you must definitely take a look at the Gabourey Sidibe weight loss story.

    Before we learn how Gabourey Sidibe got rid of obesity, it is important to take a look at why she became a victim of it. The mother of Gabourey Sidibe force fed her when she was a child. She was also eating a lot from the fast food outlets such as McDonalds. With these unhealthy habits, she eventually became a victim of overweight. The conditions became worse along with time. As a result, she even got up at 6am in the morning just to have her meals. That’s where Gabourey Sidibe noticed that she needs to start losing weight.

    When Gabourey Sidibe Decided to Loss Weight ?

    Gabourey Sidibe decided to start losing weight at the beginning for 2013. Since then, it was a long journey for her, but she was able to end up with positive results. This weight loss goal was a simple one. In fact, she wanted to lose one pound per week. At the end of the first year, she was able to lose up to 50 pounds. This clearly shows how Gabourey Sidibe has committed towards her goal.

    The world famous celebrity has explained her weight loss journey as a battle. In fact, it was not an easy journey for her to follow. She had to overcome a lot of difficulties when she was trying to achieve the weight loss objectives. In the meantime, Gabourey Sidibe was getting a lot of comments from haters on social media as well. She wanted to overcome those comments. This made her stop monitoring the social media accounts. This helped her not to get discouraged because of all the pointless comments that are available on social media.

    How Gabourey Sidibe Loss Her Weight ?

    how to lose weight

    Now, let’s discuss the most important point, how Gabourey Sidibe lost her weight. Introduction of healthy eating habits can be considered as the secret to Gabourey Sidibe weight loss. She figured out that the consumption of processed food is never good for her. She also noticed that the processed food contain sugars, unhealthy fats and cholesterol. What Gabourey Sidibe meant by processed food was Oreo cookies, chips and cupcakes as well.

    Instead of these food items, she introduced fruits, crackers, and hummus and vegetable chips into her diet. This helped Gabourey Sidibe to stay away from sugar and salt. Moreover, she reduced the number of meals that she consumed per day as well.

    Gabourey Sidibe also introduced green beans, leafy greens and broccoli into her meals. Moreover, skinless chicken breast and fish fillet became a prominent part of her diet. For cooking purposes, she decided to go ahead and use fish oil and avocado oil. They delivered the healthy fats that Gabourey Sidibe wanted in her day to day life. In addition, Gabourey Sidibe reduced the intake of red meat. She decided that she should only consume red meat for three times per week.

    One of the most prominent changes that Gabourey Sidibe introduced into her life was to drink a glass of cold water before eating food. This provided an excellent assistance for her to stay hydrated. In fact, Gabourey Sidibe was never thirsty when she was consuming the meals. This helped her to reduce the craving for food, which reduced the calorie intake.

    Gabourey Sidibe was a lover of drinking soda. However, she came up with the decision to stop taking in soda because she wanted to lose weight. In fact, she was drinking around 1.5 liters of soda per day. This contributed a lot towards her calorie intake. Instead of soda, Gabourey Sidibe used to consume water, with a slice of lemon. This helped her to control the insulin levels inside her body as well. In the meantime, she noticed that her weight is going down.

    Gabourey Sidibe also decided that she needs to consume food in smaller plates. She was previously consuming food in massive plates, with a diameter of 12 inches.  When Gabourey Sidibe figured out that she wanted to lose weight, she threw away the 12 inch plate and replaced it with a 9 inch plate. This reduced the amount of food that she consumed on a daily basis. She was eating a lot, not just because she was hungry, but she had them on her plate. When Gabourey Sidibe started eating in a 9 inch plate, she figured out that she is consuming a lower amount of food.

    Secret Behind Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss

    If you are keen to know all secrets of this weight loss, you should figure out that she controlled the overall size of the meals as well. She was consuming a light breakfast. Her lunch was medium, but the dinner was heavy. Hence, she took in a lot of calories at night time. However, a nutritionist advised that she need to eat a lot for the breakfast and eat a little for dinner. This transformed the size of meals that Gabourey Sidibe consumed. She also ate at least three hours before the bed time.

    Last but not least, you need to take a look at the workout regimen of Gabourey Sidibe. She focused a lot on low pressure exercises. As a result, she was able to start losing weight, without experiencing a joint pain. She also introduced a lot of cardio workouts into her life. They included versa climbing, treadmill running and stair stepping. These workouts helped Gabourey Sidibe to accelerate the process of losing weight.

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